Seven seasons, 153 episodes, and a revival show filled with comfort. Gilmore Girls, starring Lauren Graham (Lorelai Gilmore) and Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore), is an American comedy and drama television series created and written by Amy Sherman-Palladino. The series first aired on October 5, 2000 and ended on May 15, 2007. The revival show aired 9 years after the end of the original series with 4 movie-length episodes titled “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.
The story follows the 32 year old Lorelai Gilmore and her 16 year old daughter Rory Gilmore. We also have Lorelai’s estranged wealthy parents, Emily and Richard Gilmore, who Lorelai and Rory end up having to have weekly Friday dinners with for taking tuition money after Rory was accepted at the prestigious Chilton Preparatory School. The girls live in Stars Hollow, the fictional town filled with countless fun and quirky characters. We have Luke Danes, the owner of the town’s diner and Lorelai’s close friend and main love interest, Sookie St. James, the town’s best cook and Lorelai’s best friend, Lane Kim, Rory’s childhood best friend, and many more unforgettable characters.
Whenever I have to write about something of my interest, I never miss the chance to write about Gilmore Girls, and this is why I am here again acting like the main promoter of the series. Even though I have not watched Gilmore Girls a very long time ago, it is already my all-time favorite series. I have made many people in my life watch it, all of whom are obsessed now, and I am here to convince whoever reading this blog post is to also watch it. The main reason I love the show is because of the comfort it brings me. Gilmore Girls is filled with all the fun, excitement, drama, and romance you would want in a show you are watching, and it also does it better than most, if not all, shows. Watching the show, you will end up seeing fragments of yourself in a lot of the characters, and that makes it all the more comforting and real. Even though the show first aired 22 years ago, it feels timeless. All the jokes and plot-lines still hit the same and the show’s legacy will continue to go on just like how its popularity keeps on rising by the years.
Watch Gilmore Girls, you will not regret it!
I got so excited when I saw the title of this blog and what it is about because Gilmore Girls is one of my all time favorite shows. I only recently finished watching it, and a piece of me broke when I reached the last episode 🙁 I think the reason why many people, including myself, love this show so much is because it is a comfort show. Also, Luke and Lorelai are the best part of the show :p
Exactly!! I’ve always been more interested in their relationship throughout the whole series instead of Rory and her boyfriends. Also in my opinion, Emily and Richard are the best couple in show <3
omg remember when Emily and Richard were fighting almost all the time and were separated for a while… that broke me 🙁
I have always questioned why everyones loves this series but I just started watching it and I definitely get the hype now !
It’s the ultimate comfort show!!!
I love this! It already makes me feel nostalgic even though I’ve never actually watched Gilmore Girls… I will definitely watch it soon~ (added to my watching list)