
ENG 185: Playing With Texts | Dr. Kristen Doyle Highland | MW 9:30- 10:45

Office Hours: MW, 2:00 – 3:30pm and by appointment | khighland@aus.edu

This course introduces disciplines and topics associated with the study of English. Over this semester, we will be exploring linguistic, literary, and rhetorical topics through viewing and analyzing short texts, including songs, poems, films, short stories, and graphic works.

We will engage in the diverse study of literature, language, and rhetoric through three units:

  • Unit 1. Pandemic Literatures and Language
  • Unit 2. Street Art and the Rhetoric of the Visual
  • Unit 3. Language and Identity

In each unit, we will read and discuss a variety of texts to examine the ways that words and storytelling shape our world and our understanding of it. Throughout the semester, you will have opportunities to engage in your own analytical and creative projects on language and literature.