I have chosen to highlight this article because it highlights a very interesting issue with how online shopping is beginning to be a threat to real stores, especially in the case of bookstores. Nowadays people are not taking the time to browse bookstores anymore, but rather order solely through the online sphere.
By solely purchasing books through online stores such as Amazon, Noon, we are both taking business away from bookstores, but also limiting ourselves. Browsing bookstores allows a person to find more books that they otherwise probably would not have found.
Amazon as a company has been getting more and more into the book business. The link pasted above shows how Amazon, the physical bookstore, has also become a threat to booksellers.
Amazon has opened their very own bookstore in Seattle, while also taking business from bookstores in the same state. The issue has risen because booksellers have begun to complain about Amazon, both for the way people have begun to opt for online book purchasing and for the way Amazon has also taken business from bookstores in Seatle.
The second link pasted is an article from The Guardian, highlighting the issue and the complaints of booksellers set in Seattle.